A downloadable tool

This is a tool that will watch your RPG Maker project directory for file changes and convert any PNG images that aren't in a compatible RPG Maker 8-bit PNG format to that format, if your PNG does not contain more than 256 colors.

How does it work?

If your PNG file is not already an 8-bit PNG, it will attempt to convert any PNG format to an 8-bit PNG by:

  • Iterating over every pixel and building up a palette of colors
  • It will decide that the top-left corner is the transparent pixel (except for Chipsets, it picks from the transparent tile)

How to use

  1. Download below
  2. Backup your RPG Maker project into a safe place. This application will change your files and has the potential to break your work.
  3. Drag your RPG Maker project folder onto the EXE / binary file, this will start the app and it'll watch for file changes

Github Repository:


v1.0.2 - 2022-12-17

  • Fix bug where "Battle" folder for RPG Maker 2000 was not watched
  • Use absolute paths for error display

v1.0.1 - 2020-09-12

  • Fix bug where a PNG wouldn't convert properly if you used less than 17 colors. (App now forces 17 colors to be in the palette so charsets will appear correctly)
  • Stop app from closing if file failed to convert due to palette size exceeding 256 colors. (Now just shows an error in the console)

v1.0.0 - 2020-09-06

  • First release
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
TagsRPG Maker
Code licenseMIT License


rm2kpng-windows-v1.0.2.zip 1.5 MB
rm2kpng-mac-v1.0.2.zip 1.5 MB
rm2kpng-ubuntu-v1.0.2.zip 1.5 MB


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I was very impresse with the method used to define the transparent color.

This tool is amazing.


Incredible tool - thanks!